Hi everyone

Based on our email list discussion from a few weeks ago, I've captured
the "blocking issues" for FreeDOS 1.3 in a new wiki page:


**Please review this page and let me know if anything is wrong. I'm
trying to capture consensus from our email discussions.

**From an earlier email thread, consensus is that we need a FreeDOS
1.3 RC5 before we will be ready for FreeDOS 1.3, so I have updated the
RC list at

Short version: We decided that there are a few bigger issues that
should be fixed before FreeDOS 1.3. Some other issues (like
translations, other program updates, etc) would be "nice to have" for
FreeDOS 1.3, but are not considered "blocking."

* Need to have: (blocking)

1. Fixed MBR detection
2. Updated packages
3. Fixed Codepage and time separator data errors in COUNTRY.SYS

* Nice to have: (not blocking)

1. Improved language and translation support
2. FDAPM ("parse larger ACPI blocks")
3. CTMOUSE ("become 8086 compatible")
4. NGE NIBBLES ("improve documentation")
5. CDROM2 ("add STOP and UPC commands")
6. CDRCACHE ("remove messages about raw access")

* Things that might wait for "FreeDOS 2.0"

1. More compilers on the Full install (as space permits)
2. Replace HTML Help with AMB Help (both will be available in FreeDOS
1.3, will switch completely to AMB Help in next release)
3. New packages not already included in RC4

(Thanks for the tech discussion in this morning's virtual get-together
to help me focus some of these items for the wiki.)

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