
> On May 16, 2022, at 7:24 PM, Louis Santillan <lpsan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Any thoughts about the ability to build (more than kernel, FreeCOM, ISO) from 
> source?

The release build process does not compile individual programs. It pulls 
pre-compiled versions staged in package format from the Official FreeDOS 
Archive on GitLab ( https://gitlab.com/FreeDOS <https://gitlab.com/FreeDOS> ). 
When the RBE (Release Build Environment) creates the release media, it checks 
each project for a branch specific to the OS build skew it is creating. If it 
exists, it will use that branch for the release. Otherwise, it will just use 
the default (usually “master") branch. 

Doing a full OS release using the pre-compiled packages is still a long process 
taking nearly an hour. When the RBE is set to Verbose, it displays only the 
main actions performed to generate the release. Even so, many megabytes of text 
is displayed. And that is only an overview of what is being done. There is a 
good deal of processing performed on packages and their metadata during a 
release build. Compiling those packages during a release build, would add many 
hours to the OS release build process.

But, it has long been problematic building many packages from source. So, it 
isn’t actually possible at present.

However, I’ve often thought it would be nice to sort-of standardize building 
packages from source. Possibly by including a “BUILD.BAT” or “BUILD.SH” for 
each project. Such a script could then verify that all tools and versions are 
present to build the package. Then, it could perform all the actions needed to 
compile and put it in package format. For some, that would be easy. For others, 
not so much. Many things rely on difficult to find libraries or specific 
versions. While others may need commercial compilers. 

For example, there have been numerous times I have spent hours working on 
getting an “updated” program that is available in source only to compile. And 
then, not always successfully because some critical piece of information on 
compiling it is missing. Nowadays, for the most part, if the developer cannot 
be bothered to provide a compiled version (at least for comparison), I won’t 
bother with trying to compile and update that program. 



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