
am Dienstag, 21. März 2023 um 23:26 schrieben Sie:

> Hello!

The article is found at
> https://pushbx.org/ecm/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=blog:pushbx:2023:0321_cpu_performance_comparison

I mostly agree with you and your article, but:

>> Conclusion
>> CPU-bound benchmarks are much faster on a modern machine than they
>> are on older ones.
>> The frequency increase does not actually suffice to explain the
>> speedup.
>> Some things, like doing I/O, were not sped up nearly as much
>> however.

I tried posting a much longer response to this, but it was apparently rejected 
by the moderators.  Here's a shorter one.

> I/O has also vastly speedup (we have SSD speeds of up to 6 GB/sec).
> Just not by doing IN/OUT, but by using memory mapped PCI devices.

I think you're confusing two different things -- MMIO and DMA/Bus-Mastering.

Whether I/O is PMIO or MMIO is pretty much irrelevant to the speed.  For 
example, I/O port 201h (the analog joystick) and I/O port 92h (which controls 
A20 on some computers) are both VERY slow and would not be any faster if they 
were MMIO instead of PMIO.  The speed depends on the I/O device, not the type 
of I/O mapping.  Plus, I/O _can't_ be cached, whether PMIO or MMIO, so the 
cache(s) are irrelevant to I/O.

SSD speeds are fast because they use bus-mastering, not because they use MMIO.  
The I/O ports are used to "control" the device, but the data from the SSD is 
transferred in and out of RAM using bus-mastering (which is fast because it 
doesn't use the CPU at all).

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