
> On May 1, 2023, at 7:04 AM, C. Masloch <pus...@ulukai.org> wrote:
> [..]
> I adjusted my inicomp stage slightly, originally an lDOS boot iniload stage, 
> to allow using it to compress the dual-mode (single binary) Logger. First 
> change was to allow setting up a stack based on the flat .COM style 
> entrypoint [2]. The second option is for a very small optimisation that 
> disables boot-loaded mode entrypoints into the stage [3]. Then I modified 
> Logger's log-drvr.asm to use the entrypoints expected by inicomp for the 
> device header [4].
> During rebuilding Logger I found that a very recent NASM version, like 2.16 
> ish, is required to build. This is because you use the istruc support of 
> struc local labels, which was added to the standard macros in [5]. Rebuilding 
> also required to work around a new NASM problem [6]. The new macros could be 
> used in an older NASM as well, if you included some %unmacro lines and the 
> new macros in your sources. NASM is under the 2-clause BSD license [7] so you 
> could copy their macros.
> Here's the results of building my compressed dual-mode Logger executable, 
> compressed using LZIP (high ratio, slow) and LZSA2 (faster):
> [..]
> logger/BIN$ ls -lgG
> total 48
> -rw-r--r-- 1 9240 May  1 11:10 LOGGER.COM
> -rw-r--r-- 1 5601 May  1 12:21 logger.lz
> -rw-r--r-- 1 8608 May  1 12:21 loggerlz.com
> -rw-r--r-- 1 6050 May  1 12:21 logger.sa2
> -rw-r--r-- 1 7456 May  1 12:21 loggersa.com
> logger/BIN$
> I'm not impressed, but at least it is a little savings. I tested the files as 
> both device driver and application mode executable. As you can see, the LZSA2 
> executable is actually smaller than the LZIP one because the LZIP depacker is 
> much larger. For my usual use case of the lDebug debugger (> 100 KiB), the 
> bigger depacker costs less space than is saved by the higher compression 
> ratio.
> A problem with my depackers as opposed to UPX's is that I do not take 
> advantage of the fact that Logger's binary is very small. Indeed, my 
> depackers support operation spanning more than 64 KiB of both the compressed 
> payload and the resulting decompressed program image. If I took that out I 
> could improve the depacker size.
> And I am worse at size optimisation than the UPX people. But if they do not 
> yet provide support for dual-mode executables then my contribution could 
> still be useful to you.
> [2]: https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/inicomp/rev/aa0974fdd6e2
> [3]: https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/inicomp/rev/41860de1db0e
> [4]: 
> https://github.com/ecm-pushbx/logger/commit/5cbd3b1f9548568458f92962e83cc0bdd7d61818
> [5]: https://github.com/netwide-assembler/nasm/pull/40
> [6]: https://bugzilla.nasm.us/show_bug.cgi?id=3392822
> [7]: 
> https://github.com/netwide-assembler/nasm/blob/a916e4127b2eaa3bf40bddf3de9b0ceefc0d98a4/LICENSE

That is very interesting and will defiantly keep it in mind. If Logger does not 
eventually move to EXE format and probable UPX support, this would be a great 

Space saving on floppies is very important. With the inclusion of the driver 
only version that supports UPX and the tiny API demonstration programs, I don’t 
think compression of the dual-mode binary is as important at present. After 
all, the viewer could always be on a separate diskette if required. 

I do want to eventually compress the dual-mode binary as well. But for now, I 
think I’ll just put off worrying about that until a later version. It will give 
everyone something to look forward to getting. 



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