On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 1:07 PM Ralf Quint via Freedos-devel
<freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Well, there is/was a PC version of GEOS, which for a while now is Open
> Source and available as PC/GEOS
> https://github.com/bluewaysw/pcgeos
> PS: I don't think that GEM would be useless for use with FreeDOS, but
> just as with PC/GEOS, it needs people to actually do some work on it....

I'm also not clear on the use case of a DOS GUI these days. If you're
going to use a GUI on DOS, then you need apps to run in it. Otherwise,
it's a beautiful file manager and DOS app launcher that uses a bunch
of memory.

Years ago, I thought DOS GUIs were interesting. I liked that folks
were writing GUIs like SEAL and oZone, and continuing to work on
OpenGEM. But of those, only OpenGEM really has much application
support. Even so, there aren't many GEM apps to run in it. But there
are a ton of regular DOS apps.

PC/GEOS is another case, but similar. I understand more apps were
written for PC/GEOS (like an early "Web browser" or something like it,
an email client, etc) and I believe the PC/GEOS folks include those in
their project. But it's still a smaller ecosystem than just DOS apps
that you can run without the graphical desktop taking up memory.

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