FYI: Your post was 104 lines and 618 words. How-to articles on
websites are between 500 and 800 words, so this email was a bit long.

The point is you have released a new microemacs?

:: Anyway, long story short - I have banged microemacs 3.6 into
:: shape so that it is C90 compliant with the addition of ANSI
:: escapes for both keyboard and screen, allowing it to run on
:: both PDOS/386 and z/PDOS (mainframes) with the only
:: difference being in handling EBCDIC vs ASCII. ie other than
:: that, all the C source code (when doing the ANSI + C90
:: target) is completely identical. PDOS/86 was added with
:: the simple addition of a makefile.
:: And thanks to assistance already received here, I got the
:: exact same DOS executable to run under Freedos.
:: It does require this to be installed:


:: If you would like to get hold of this, I have uploaded a new
:: UC8086 to
:: There is an me.exe and c:\devel\memacs

However, I can't find a download link for "UC8086" or microemacs on
the website. (Almost all links on that page are
labeled "here" so that makes it hard to find things. One paragraph has
two mentions of "emacs" and also includes two "here" links, but
neither link seems to point to UC8086 or microemacs.)

Would you mind sharing a direct link?

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