On at 2023-07-31 08:44 -0500, Jim Hall via Freedos-devel wrote:
FYI: Your post was 104 lines and 618 words. How-to articles on
websites are between 500 and 800 words, so this email was a bit long.

The point is you have released a new microemacs?

There is some more context to all of this in our forum [1], for those who may be interested.

I think the point was to ask for FreeCOM to support escape sequences that a terminal may send instead of scancodes. Consider these parts:

Since I only run the one fullscreen app, I thought I wouldn't
be affected by reassigning the cursor keys.

However, it turns out that there was something I was using -
freecom! So now I can't do command recall.


I was thinking that maybe the freecom folk would like to add
ANSI escapes as an option. How else can you handle when
the ctty or whatever the DOS command is to redirect input
to a com port? If you attach a VT100, you will need to handle
the ANSI escapes.


Note that I have a different goal to most people. Most people
want to run DOS-era software. I want to redefine the DOS era
now that the "rush to market" is long over.

I think this is a decent idea. In my debugger's "getinput" function [2], which may be used instead of the DOS interrupt 21h function 0Ah line input editing function, I accept a number of escape sequences for keys like the Arrow keys, Home, End, etc.

The "getc" function may return a scancode in the upper byte (ah), either from the DOS interrupt 21h function 08h (it can pass on scancodes by first emitting a zero byte, then the scancode) or from the ROM-BIOS interrupt 16h. These scancodes are handled first [3].

If none of those matched, we check for an escape sequence started by an Esc byte (1Bh) in the lower byte (al), followed by an "[" and then one or two bytes specifying what keypress is being passed on [4]. This works with the escape sequences sent by some older revisions of dosemu2 in "-dumb -td -kt" mode, and also with those sent by my Linux terminal when running picocom connected to the serial I/O of the debugger.

So the OP seems to be asking to add support for such escape sequences to FreeCOM's line editor. (I believe FreeCOM never uses int 21h function 0Ah, which is how it can provide its own line editing and history facility -- much like lDebug does if you "INSTALL GETINPUT".)


[1]: https://www.bttr-software.de/forum/forum_entry.php?id=20443
[2]: https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/ldebug/file/40e54cb4f0db/source/lineio.asm#l2802 [3]: https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/ldebug/file/40e54cb4f0db/source/lineio.asm#l3098 [4]: https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/ldebug/file/40e54cb4f0db/source/lineio.asm#l3121

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