On 1/30/2024 7:58 AM, Jim Hall via Freedos-devel wrote:
On Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 8:07 PM Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
I am working on an academic project that requires understanding the
MAD programming language so I can pick apart (and faithfully recreate)
an old MAD program. That's the Michigan Algorithm Decoder, from 1959
and the early 1960s.
Does anyone know of a MAD compiler for DOS?
It's not (specifically) for DOS, but someone pointed me to Raymond's
MAD implementation. It translates MAD code to C, and you can compile
from there:

I think that will do what I need. But if anyone knows of a full-on MAD
compiler for DOS, please let me know.
Up to your email, I haven't even heard of a MAD compiler. Only the magazine... 😛
(and interesting seeing that mentioned in the Wikipedia article LOL)


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