Hi Christian,

> BUFFERSHIGH is also mentioned in the FreeDOS kernel documentation
> (http://www.freedos.org/kernel/docs/config.txt):
> Usage:  buffers=nn[,n] where nn is in range 1-99 & n is in range 1-8
> Memory buffers used by the kernel; primary[,secondary]
> The secondary buffer option is available for compatibility with
> other DOS kernels, but is ignored by the FreeDOS kernel.
> e.g.  buffers=20
> ...

Hmm indeed, even the most recent version on SVN still mentions BUFFERSHIGH
(as files-/stacks-/lastdrivehigh) while we do not actually have it.

Did you find more mismatches? STATIC struct table commands in config.c
shows which commands are available. At first glance, only BUFFERSHIGH
is wrongly mentioned in config.txt while not implemented in config.c :-)

The difference between BUFFERSHIGH and the other 3 "highs" is that the
latter actually do make a difference, they move things from low RAM to
UMB space. Using dosdata=umb is equivalent to using all 3 "high" forms.

On the other hand, BUFFERSHIGH does not actually move anything to UMB
but we could just make it behave like normal BUFFERS, given that the
BUFFERS are in HMA with DOS=HIGH anyway :-).


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