On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 07:44, Jacobs Shannon wrote:
> I'm a little confused here, but I think I'm the OP on
> the dBase II question, and I just wanted to thank
> y'all for the information I've received so far. It
> looks like the best avenue to explore just now is the
> DOS emulator, and if that doesn't work, I'll try to
> configure an additional boot with FreeDOS.

Sorry, some of the replies have been a bit technical, and judging from
the responses nobody on the list has first hand experience running DBASE
II under freedos so I guess the recommendation is to just try it and
report back on success/failure.

If you don't want to setup dual-booting the advise is to use a
commercial product like VMWARE (www.vmware.com) to run an emulated PC on
XP where you run FreeDOS and your application.  A couple of free/open
source alternatives are dosbox.sourceforge.net and
bochs.sourceforge.net.  I have not tried any of the above applications
so I can't say much about them other than they have worked for some


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