
My name is Carlos, i'm from Brazil, i love the project and I'm planing to
make a distro for freedos, targeted for new developers and I would like to
hear some opinions and here are my primary goals for the distro.

1 - A FreeDOS distro targeted for new developers.
2 - Similar to the BOCHS distro in ->
3 - Ready to run including bochs executable, latest bios files  and config
4 - All the compilers you can REALLY use to make de executables, no matter
the copyright the compilers have.
5 - Configuration scripts for l10n and i18n.

What I have done so far:

1 - I have created na image file for bochs with 150 Mbs
2 - Filled the image with the packages of the FreeDOS CD distribution.
3 - I also have created a new tree estructure with: bin, hlp, key, cpi, src,
doc, nfo, nls and tmp.

    |   \---MOUSE
    |       \---UTILITY
    |    +---(Batch files for configuration of the system)
    |    +---(all cpi files)
    |    +---(all the doc tree)
    |   \---HHSTNDRD
    |    +---(all keyboard mappinngs)
    |    +---(all lsm files)
    |    +---(all nls files)
    |    +---(all the source tree)

And that is it  I would like to hear opinions and sugestions.

Thank  you all

Carlos AB

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