Tach Eric,

You wrote:
> > I tried the following:
> > - cleared any partition information:
> >         dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=8k count=2

um, well, it actually *was* necessary, as I had, in earlier attemps, munged
the old partition table :((((

> That would not have been necessary :-(.
> > - created new partition-table:
> >         fdisk /dev/sdb
> >         - created primary partition 1 and marked as bootable
> It would have been enough to mark the EXISTING primary FAT
> partition as bootable, WITHOUT formatting and repartitioning everything :-(.

see above :)

> > - tried to run "sys-freedos.pl":
> >         sys-freedos.pl --disk=/dev/sdb
> >         which reports: "not 512 bytes per sector"
> Yikes. You tried to overwrite the MBR with a boot sector. The correct
> disk to use is /dev/sdb1, NOT /dev/sdb. You only write a boot sector
> to the FAT partition sdb1.
> And you do NOT have to mkdosfs /dev/sdb1 either. The USB stick already
> came with:
> - proper partition information
> - proper MBR
> - proper FAT formatted partition
> and you only have to add
> - bootable flag in partition information
> - boot sector in FAT partition
> Never touch a running system - in particular, you should assume that
> the MBR, partition information and FAT filesystem which are on the
> USB stick when it leaves the factory are just fine. Probably BETTER
> that those which can be created by Linux fdisk / mkdosfs. Only change
> what HAS to be changed: Mark the partition as bootable and create a
> FreeDOS boot sector. And of course copy the files (e.g. kernel, shell)
> to the partition (mount the partition or use mcopy).
> So again, do not "dd", do not delete partitions, do not mkdosfs...
> and use, IF your "FAT partition on USB stick" is /dev/sdb1, the
> "perl sys-freedos.pl --disk=/dev/sdb1" command to install a boot sector.

I see your point, and in the future I will use the existing config on a
USB stick.  On the other hand, when I'm looking for the solution to a
problem, and I come across one somewhere in which the author has
described a solution starting from an assumed existing configuration
that I don't have, I get *very* frustrated.  I think it's always better
to describe completely how to solve a problem, from first principles, so
to speak.  In such a description one can, and probably should, include
the recommendation not to overwrite exising MBR/PT information...

So how to I get an decent MBR onto the stick now??? :( Grub?


Rob Urban

> You may want to try different boot settings in your BIOS setup, too,
> but some BIOSes simply do not allow a specific setting apart from the
> mere "boot from USB" one.

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