Hi, I hear that ForteMedia FM801 based cheapo PCI sound cards
are pretty DOS compatible without extra drivers, you should try
to get one of those (I never managed to, the cheap PCI sound
cards now all use crappy CMedia chips with good Linux / Windows
sound and mostly broken DOS sound). Best for DOS are of course
ISA soundcards with SoundBlaster compatibility of any kind
(preferrably stereo 16 bit of course). Some newer PnP ISA cards
need the BIOS setting "PnP OS installed: no" or need a PnP init
tool like Intel Plug and Play Manager or some software which
ships with the card / can be downloaded, but after that, all ISA
SB compatible soundcards are really SB compatible. This is not
the case for PCI soundcards with some less-compatible chipsets
like the SoundBlaster Live PCI: Those need big complex special
(downloadable / shipped with the card)
drivers to simulate DOS SoundBlaster compatibility while the
hardware is not actually very compatible.


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