On Wed, 12 Oct 2005, Bernd Blaauw wrote:

> FDAPM's location determined by a variable, but CHOICE's location not?
I'm too lazy to do that %-)

>> echo  [R] Перезагрузка - reboot
>> echo  [S] Спать - sleep
>> echo  [P] Выключить питание - power off
>> echo  [V] Монитор в режим низкого энергопотребления - put 
>> monitor to save energy mode.

>> echo  [x] Передумал, выйти. - do nothing, exit
>> D:\FDOS\BIN\CHOICE.EXE /c:rspvx Выбирай: - your choice:

> my Russian (?) isn't very good, and you're using ANSI Escape-sequences which
Yes, russian.

> require NANSI.SYS installed?

>> :Power
>> if exist %flag% del %flag%
>> %fdapm% PowerOff
>> goto exit
> what file uses temporary file %flag%?
You mean which one programme uses %flag%? Norton disk doctor.
part of fdauto.bat:
if not exist c:\temp\flag0000.000 goto end
E:\SOFT\UTL\NU8R\ndd.exe c: d: e: f: /q
echo Флаг проверки диска > c:\temp\flag0000.000

> it doesn't seem to get deleted after ending the batchfile.
Everything work fine...

Take care. Your friend,
dima <pr0zac*softhome.net> <2:550/112> <http://e4c9cdc1.port5.com>

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