At 10:29 PM 11/15/2005 -0800, Brolin Empey wrote:

Michael Devore wrote:
And another warning: NASM done got it some bugs. Even with the relatively modest source of HIMEM, I hit a couple.

Have you told the NASM maintainers about these issues? I think they would probably be interested in working with you in order to fix the bugs. NASM is the "Netwide" assembler after all. It is developed by many individuals--many of them volunteers--working together over the internet, not by a large company like Microsoft or Borland. These companies can afford to hire people for quality assurance and testing. After all, their customers expect the product they purchase to work correctly. Customers can report bugs, which can be fixed by the developer's employees. NASM, on the other hand, is a volunteer project. The users must contribute to the product if they are unsatisfied with it.

I don't want this to sound like a rant. I just found your message to sound like one from someone who is willing to complain about something but unwilling to do something to solve the problem. Hopefully this is not the case.

As I indicated in another message, perhaps in freedos-devel, at least one of the issues had already been posted to a NASM-related forum. Plus, there were questions raised there about whether the developers are processing reports and making fixes. That could be simply be the result of users not getting highest priority attention to their personal bug-fix favorites, or perhaps there is more to it. I did spend a bit of time before I left, prior to posting the latest HIMEM/EMM386 release, digging around the [N]ASM newsgroups/forums/lists to see what was going on with the bugs and whether NASM is actively maintained. I still don't have a firm answer.

I know the basics of how open source development works. Or how it frequently doesn't work. I am not lacking in suggestions on how to apportion my time for open source issues and I have invested many days dedicated to open source support -- not just for FreeDOS. Frankly, I've paid the dues.

Are you a regular user and supporter of NASM? I am not, nor do I plan to be for the foreseeable future. If you are a NASM user and supporter, you are certainly welcome to visit the appropriate venue and post the issues if they are not repeats. Feel free to query me on further details. Otherwise, I am not overly interested in public opinion pieces on my deficits for not spending another hour or five I did not have making sure NASM developers, who may or may not interested, receive another handful of possibly duplicate bug reports for one of their (apparently) less-popular target platforms.

Lastly, I offer this nugget of pure opinion. We can, with clear conscience, gripe about things which irritate us as long as we don't overdo the bitching and moaning bit. Complaining about things which do not work as expected is a fundamental human experience. Humans cannot and should not be expected to fix everything we complain about, even could we sacrifice all our free time to do it. If open source is really a viable replacement for "closed" source, then it should be able to abide a few random gripes about how it works, just the same as proprietary software does. Perhaps you have seen a few complaints about Microsoft software?

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