> maybe not the best article, but please rate it as "good", so that it
> will be on the front site ;-))   (also if you don't speak German)
> http://www.readers-edition.de/neu
> I want to write a new article, when FreeDOS 1.0 is out ;-)

Hi Florian, the URL of your article is:


Some criticism:

> Seitdem besitzt FreeDOS einen eigenen Kernel, der zu 100%
>   in der Programmiersprache C geschrieben ist.

No, only MOST of our kernel is written in C, not all of it.

> ...nicht nur FAT12/16, sondern auch FAT32 und LBA.

You should mention that this means that we support partitions
bigger than 2 GB and harddisks bigger than 8 GB, which MSDOS 6
did not support. Please remove the part about UDMA, it is an
issue which is bound to cause discussions with Jack ;-).

> um den PC in Stand-by oder Ruhezustand zu versetzen
> und Energie zu sparen.

The driver allows to halt the CPU while idle and allows
to globally throttle the CPU: The former saves energy,
like the Win9x program Waterfall, and the latter can also
slow down the computer which can be useful for running
old software :-).

>  Seit einigen Monaten ist es sogar moeglich, mittels eines externen
>  Programms (HX DOS Extender) Windows-Programme unter DOS zu verwenden.
>  Ein bekanntes Beispiel ist die Windows-Version von QEMU.

Did anybody actually test whether QEMU for Win runs in HXRT in DOS?

> Das Projekt ist noch bis zur Veroeffentlichung in der Testphase...

This needs further explanation: We are an open source project which
is very careful with version numbers. In the beginning, our plan
was to call FreeDOS 1.0 as soon as it would offer all MS DOS 3.3x
features. Later, that changed to MS DOS 5.0 (better memory manage-
ment etc) and yet later we wanted to provide clones of (almost)
all the tools which are included in MS DOS 6.22 ... In the meantime,
FAT32 and other advanced features got added. So FreeDOS is far from
being a first 1.0 version - it is more like a FINAL 1.0 version
before we start adding even MORE advanced features! Many people do
not realize that and think that FreeDOS took 12 years to reach
"any useful state at all".

You should point people to
for further reference about our 1.0 goals.

And, of course, I would have preferred if you had asked for
comments first, before widely publishing the article...

Thanks :-)


PS: How do you know whether we will actually reach 1.0
exactly on the right day?

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