Grant Edwards escreveu:
> On 2004-12-16, Aitor SantamarĂ­a Merino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> For those of you that may find confusing the multiplicity of files used 
>> by KEYB, you can read some instructions in the FAQ item:
>> (more info is to be appended with the forthcomming version FD-KEYB 2.0 pre3)
>> In short,
>> KEYB.EXE binary to modify the keyboard; uses KL information files
> I'm trying to figure out how to change the caps-lock key into a
> control key, but I'm baffled by keyb: where do I get these KL
> files I keep reading about? I've looked through all of the zip
> files, but I don't see any KL files.
Hi Grant,

you won't find the KL files. You will find the KEY (i.e. source) files 
instead, which can be modified (i.e. edited on any ordinary TXT file 
editor) and compiled - that's when the KL files appear.


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