
> You should have mentioned something about the context
> instead of only throwing URLs at us ;-). The first URL
> talks about making more low RAM free by loading things
> high into UMB and by using fewer drivers. The second
> URL talks about DR DOS. One thing that might be useful
> for FreeDOS and JEMM is the EMM386 hint in the first:
> It says you might be able to use:
> EMM386 ... I=B100-B7FF I=C600-C7FF I=CC00-CFFF I=e600-efff
> In other words, the Virtual PC VGA BIOS is only 24k

it is 48 kB (C000-CBFF), but has holes. Using I=TEST finds most of them 
automatically, except the 4 kB region C700-C7FF (because it has a different 
"last byte").

OTOH, region CC00 seems to be not really free on VPC 2007, it contains a 2 kB 
ROM. Jemm somehow has the opinion that this region is free, however, I don't 
know why. To be safe, it should be excluded with X=CC00-CCFF.

 > and the mono text mode buffer can be partially used
 > for UMBs (b100-b7ff).

My experience tells that the buffer can be fully used (B000-B7FF)

 > Unfortunately it does not tell which
 > things are in the way at e000-e5ff and c800-cbff, do you
 > know more about that?

Tool GetI15Ex (hxrt) displays:

Int 15h, eax=E820h:
addr 000000000, size 00009FC00, type 1 (available)
addr 00009FC00, size 000000400, type 2 (reserved)
addr 0000E0000, size 000020000, type 2 (reserved)
addr 000100000, size 001EF0000, type 1 (available)
addr 001FF0000, size 00000F000, type 3 (ACPI)
addr 001FFF000, size 000001000, type 4 (ACPI)

which tells that region E000-EFFF is NOT free. Examining it with DEBUG 
confirms this.

So a "good" Jemm line for VPC 2007 might be:


It will then install an EMS frame buffer in D000-DFFF. If EMS is not needed, 
the NOEMS will add 64 kB UMB.

What should be mentioned with VPC's Guest Additions: the binary VMADD386.SYS 
must be loaded before Jemm in CONFIG.SYS and FSHARE.EXE is a buggy DOS TSR.

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