Hi Christian,

> I have a machine with a 160GB drive, and many
> partitions with different Linux and Windows
> versions. I'm using grub as main boot loader.
> After booting FreeDOS (which resides on the first partition)
> the extended partition is marked as "Unknown".
> Partition table before:
>    Device Boot Start     End   #cyls    #blocks   Id  System
>  gut.bin1          0+    249     250-   2008093+  16  Hidden FAT16
>  gut.bin2        250     499     250    2008125   82  Linux swap / Solaris
>  gut.bin3   *    500+   4677-   4178-  33554432    7  HPFS/NTFS
>  gut.bin4       4677+  19456   14780- 118716768+   5  Extended
> The "Extended" partition contains another 4 partitions, 2 Linux ext3fs, 1 
> NTFS, and one FAT32 (the very last one).
> Table after booting FreeDOS:
>    Device Boot Start     End   #cyls    #blocks   Id  System
> schl.bin1   *      0+    249     250-   2008093+   6  FAT16
> schl.bin2        250     499     250    2008125   92  Unknown
> schl.bin3        500+   4677-   4178-  33554432   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS
> schl.bin4       4677+  19456   14780- 118716768+  15  Unknown

Note how the first partition changed from HIDDEN FAT16 to
NORMAL FAT16 and the active partition changed from NTFS to
FAT16. The change from 5 to 15 is from CHS extended to
LBA extended, you just used a very old software to display
your partition table. I also think that this hiding / un-
hiding and change of the active partition is actually some
thing that your GRUB configuration caused ;-).


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