"DOS386" wrote:

> Thanks for the explanation ... UIDE won't see the PCI addon
> card since it uses BIOS INT $13 to search for disks ... but
> does anything prevent UIDE from searching for IDE/ATA/SATA
> stuff using PCI BIOS, and assigning it to a "free" INT $13
> disk number specified in commandline if some special switch
> is used ?

Such disks would have to be "installed" into DOS.   The BIOS
never did handle CD/DVD units directly, thus SHCDX33D always
installs its units into DOS.   However, the BIOS does handle
hard-disks, and DOS "discovers" how many hard-disks the BIOS
found during system boot.   So, UIDE does not have, nor does
it usually need, drive-installation code for hard disks.

UIDE could have logic permitting a user-specified controller
(i.e. an "add on" card) and could install disks/CDs/DVDs for
that controller.   But few people have "add on" cards, it is
not the best use of my time.   It also increases the size of
UIDE/UIDEJR.   UIDEJR is about 30 bytes from going over 4608
bytes "packed" via UPX (9 sectors on a "boot" diskette).   I
will add AHCI logic when needed, but I must be "guarded" re:
other driver additions!

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