Hi Dos386,

>> [Freedos-kernel] FreeDOS 1.1 released
> http://jafile.com/uploads/dos386/freeds11.png

> - What's the purpose of the menu item "Pasquale" (see top shot) ?

It is not a menu item, just a dedication :-(

Maybe the fact that it is highlighted made
it look like a menu item for you... I guess
the same respect to Pat can be shown even
without the highlighting of that item/line.

> - It fails to find any HD (see middle shot)

What types of HD do you have? IDE, SATA, USB?
Does your BIOS support them? If they only have
non-FAT partitions (NTFS of modern Windows, or
Linux or other partitions) then there is no C:
style disk active for DOS. It would be possible
to then let you run a partition tool, but those
things are pretty dangerous - type or click the
wrong button any your other data is gone. So I
appreciate the ABSENCE of a partitioning tool.

People could e.g. use a GPARTED boot CD/DVD to
non-destructively add a FAT partition for DOS.

> - Using the menu item "install to harddisk", it starts installing but
>   hangs at "commandx" (see bottom shot)

Maybe because there actually is no "harddisk"
in the sense of "FAT partition useable by DOS"
at that moment on your PC, see above?

> - CWSDPMI, VSM, DOSNTLFN, ... are in

For example DOSFSCK needs CWSDPMI and long
file names are sort of widespread today.

> ARACHNE, ... are NOT in ... what can you do with it when installed ?

You could install them later. Question to the
experts: Does the 1.1 distro already support
online FDUPDATE / FDPKG updates? Otherwise it
is of course easy to download the ZIP manually
and maybe even using another operating system.

I personally would like UNTGZ and HDPMI and if
space permits HX and 7ZIP. Maybe even MPXPLAY.

And I think the others are pretty big or not so
much for "everyday average use" so they are for
a larger, more complete distro, not a mini one.

Regards, Eric

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