On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 7:32 PM, TR-DOS <tro...@qq.com> wrote:
> I am a chinese boy,I like computer, want to learn the kernel and renew DOS,
> can you help me?

Getting back to the original question: how to start learning the
FreeDOS kernel. I'd recommend buying a copy of 'The FreeDOS Kernel' by
Pat Villani. It's a bit old by now, and much of the kernel code has
been updated since this was written, but it is still applicable and
gives a very good "high level overview" of the FreeDOS kernel. Just
don't get too bogged down in the technical details of the book; they
may have changed in the current version of the kernel.

I'll assume that you know C programming, and have at least a working
knowledge of assembly. You won't be able to contribute to the kernel
if you don't have these skills.

FreeDOS is a free operating system that is made up of 3 basic layers:

1. A "core" component (the kernel) which runs DOS applications
2. A command interpreter (command.com, aka "FreeCOM") that takes your
typed commands and runs the appropriate DOS program
3.  set of DOS utilities (such as CHOICE or EDIT or ATTRIB) that do
small tasks, or assist in batch programming

On top of that, you have DOS applications, which can be written by
anyone - such as games or word processors or spreadsheets.

I don't know your background (you didn't say) but if you haven't done
much C programming or assembly, working on the kernel will be
challenging. You may have an easier time with the DOS utilities and
making some improvements there.


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