At 06:21 PM 2/10/2013, Chris Evans wrote:
>I just made a hex viewer and editor for DOS,
>I still have to debug it, so if you find any bugs in it
>let me know.  I made this as I needed a small
>hexeditor/viewer, and this fits the bill.

Well, just had a quick look at it and beside the 32KB filesize limit, 
as you load the whole file at once, I immediately noticed at least a 
couple of issues:

- in the switch statement for the cursor movement, you misspelled the 
"default" case as "defualt", which means there is no default and 
instead an undeclared variabel with the name "defualt"...

- you do not check against cursor movements beyond the actual read 
number of bytes in your buffer or the buffer size itself, resulting 
displaying nonsense beyond that



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