On 2014-02-26 18:07 (GMT-0600) Rugxulo composed:

> Felix Miata wrote:

>> Dec 31 2011 readme.txt on the 1.1 iso says to get a bootable floppy image 
>> download
>> http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/distributions/1.1/fdos1440.img

>> It generates a 404. What is a URL that works?

> I don't know. I don't remember seeing any such image in 1.1. At least,
> I never used one, and I don't see it locally here (laptop's subdir,
> "..\freedos\1.1"). You'll presumably have to use an older floppy
> image, e.g. from "../unofficial" .

>> http://www.freedos.org/download/ has no link I can find for a 1.1 floppy 
>> image.

> Floppies aren't exactly popular anymore. So there isn't much incentive
> for most people to care. Most machines don't come with floppy drives
> anymore.

Most new machines don't, but the world does not lose an old machine for every 
new machine produced. WRT DOS especially, old machines remain viable much 
longer than average.

>> Is there something on the CD iso that can make a bootable 1.1 floppy without
>> having to burn and boot the CD iso?

> A simple floppy image wouldn't be hard to make

If it was easy to make, I wouldn't have asked. I've found few installation 
programs more irritating than that of FreeDOS. Every time I wanted a simple 
bootable floppy or HD instance had to go through a frustrating and tedious 
selection process to avoid bloat to get it "installed" to a HD before I could 
produce a simple bootable instance on a floppy from which I could ...

> but what would you do with it?

e.g. FORMAT /S a new HD's new FAT partition (to ensure all the essential 
hardware and BIOS work as expected), or toggle the boot flag from partition 1 
to partition 2 with *FDISK when I need it switched back where it was to start 
with after a Windows installer moved it.

When troubleshooting a system with cover(s) off, laying on its side to access 
its innards, usually the OM drive is poised to drop the CD on the floor at 
every opportunity, while a floppy will hang tight in its slot after the eject 
button is pushed.

And of course one *still* on occasion encounters BIOS updates that only work 
by first booting something, and that something is still often, as it used to 
be always, DOS.

Forget about selling me on USB. They aren't big enough to write anything 
useful on about what they contain or their purpose, and they don't have a 
standardized size and shape that lends itself to organized storage. To boot 
USB here usually requires at least fiddling with the BIOS first, and again 
after, assuming the hardware is new enough to support it.

Floppies may not be the most reliable of hardware, but they don't scratch, 
and they have a respectable writing surface that can accept a stick on label 
of useful size.

>In other words, what pieces of software need to be on there?

Whatever was on the 1.0 image would probably do it for me.

> Obviously kernel and shell, but what else?

Content of my last booted (a few days ago) DOS2000 floppy:
Directory of A:\

AMSICD   SYS        11,914  2-26-96  1:27p
AMSIDA   SYS        32,489  2-26-96 12:50p
ASPI8XX  SYS        61,466 10-07-98  4:06a
ATTRIB   EXE         8,664  4-30-98  7:00a
AUTOEXEC               288  8-23-98  4:41p
AUTOEXEC BAT            11 10-16-98  4:42a
CHKDSK   COM        13,470  4-30-98  7:00a
COMMAND  COM        52,965  4-30-98  7:00a
COMMAND  NEW        53,248  4-30-98  7:00p
CONFIG   ASP            20 10-30-98  3:35p
CONFIG   SY          1,258 10-05-98  1:15a
CONFIG   SYS           169 11-12-12  3:43p
DEBUG    COM        15,302  4-30-98  7:00a
EMM386   EXE       119,390  4-30-98  7:00a
FDISK    COM        27,817  4-30-98  7:00a
FORMAT   COM        24,300  4-30-98  7:00a
HIMEM    SYS        14,160  4-30-98  7:00a
LABEL    COM         4,179  4-30-98  7:00a
LOADHI   COM        28,200  5-12-95  7:50a
LOADHI   SYS        26,572  5-12-95  7:50a
MFT      EXE       372,480  1-15-95  3:10a
MFT      INI         2,599  5-12-95  7:50a
MOUSE    COM        37,681  4-30-98  7:00a
MOUSE    INI            24 10-30-98  3:56p
MSCDEX   EXE        21,180  4-30-98  7:00a
QEMM386  SYS       230,729  5-12-95  7:50a
RAMDRIVE SYS         5,067  4-30-98  7:00a
SMARTDRV EXE        44,121  4-30-98  7:00a
SYMCD    SYS        13,989 11-22-96  4:04a
SYS      COM         9,702  4-30-98  7:00a
SYSINFO  EXE        63,812  1-07-97 12:21p
TED      COM         7,754 12-17-92  2:12a
XCOPY    EXE        11,614  4-30-98  7:00a
        33 file(s)   1,316,634 bytes used

Content of my last booted (less than a week ago) M$DOS 7.1 floppy:
Directory of A:\

ASPI8XX  SYS        62,712  2-14-00  4:09a
ASPICD   SYS        29,620  4-23-99 10:22p
ATTRIB   EXE        15,252  4-23-99 10:22p
AUTOEXEC BAT         1,174  6-17-00 11:21a
BTCDROM  SYS        21,971  4-23-99 10:22p
BTDOSM   SYS        30,955  4-23-99 10:22p
COMMAND  COM        93,890  4-23-99 10:22p
CONFIG   SYS           214  1-21-04  1:44a
EBD      CAB       272,206  4-23-99 10:22p
EDIT     COM        69,902  4-23-99 10:22p
EDIT     HLP        10,790  4-23-99 10:22p
EXTRACT  EXE        93,242  4-23-99 10:22p
FDISK    EXE        63,916  4-23-99 10:22p
FDISK98F EXE       179,360  5-23-00  8:07p
FINDRAMD EXE         6,855  4-23-99 10:22p
FORMAT   COM        49,575  5-06-98  8:01p
HIMEM    SYS        33,191  4-23-99 10:22p
MSINPUT  INI           190 11-11-00 11:28p
OAKCDROM SYS        41,302  4-23-99 10:22p
RAMDRIVE SYS        12,663  4-23-99 10:22p
README   TXT        14,764  4-23-99 10:22p
SETRAMD  BAT         1,416  4-23-99 10:22p
SYMCD    SYS        13,677  4-23-99  4:06a
SYMDISK  SYS        20,908 10-28-99  4:04a
SYS      COM        18,967  4-23-99 10:22p
XCOPY    EXE         3,878  4-23-99 10:22p
XCOPY32  EXE         3,878  4-23-99 10:22p
XCOPY32  MOD        41,472  4-23-99 10:22p
        28 file(s)   1,207,940 bytes used

>  The sky's the limit, there
> are hundreds of optional pieces. So before we can do anything, we have
> to know exactly what it is that you want to do. (And I don't think a
> complete "BASE" will fit, so you will have to be somewhat picky.)

Basic bootability, as long as any additional files required for a particular 
purpose are readily available from somewhere by simple (x)copying, rather 
than a complicated process of extraction or "installation". People who use 
floppies well know their space limitation.

> I guess if you want to boot a floppy in order to install a minimal
> FreeDOS, you'll also need SYS, FDISK, FORMAT. (But you probably
> already knew that.) I would also recommend at least Jack's drivers
> (UIDE, XMGR, RDISK) and CTMOUSE and probably CWSDPMI. Well, and then
> you get more and more complicated depending on use (i18n?
> networking?).

All I really need is whatever DOS 5 provided, updated to whatever extent is 
necessary on account of hardware evolution. It's probably been close to 2 
decades since I last tried to make a DOS network, and I've never needed i18n, 
same as with PCDOS3.3.

I still use DOS apps, one 24/7, but to use them I usually run eCS, better 
known as its original incarnation as OS/2, in large part because of my 
frustration with the FreeDOS "installation" process.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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