On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 7:26 AM, Marcos Favero Florence de Barros
<fav...@mpcnet.com.br> wrote:

> I was wondering whether one of the reasons why old computers
> fail is that the BIOS gets corrupted over time because it is
> stored in rewritable media.

It is, but what actually rewrites that media?  In general, it's
non-volatile memory, and written to only by a BIOS update operation
that reflashes the NVRAM.

> Many of the old computers that I'v tried to reuse seem to have
> problems in keyboard, floppy and CD operation, which, I believe,
> are directly related to the BIOS.
> If that is so, then perhaps flashing the BIOS might fix this
> kind of problem.

I've owned an assortment of hardware over the decades.  My hardware
issues have never involved a corrupted BIOS.  The biggest culprit has
been a power supply failure, which can take the motherboard with it.
I've also had an assortment of hard drives go bad.  I have seldom had
a problem that reflashing the BIOS cured.  On the occasions I have
reflashed a BIOS, it was to correct an issue with the BIOS that was
resolved by a manufacturer update, and I was upgrading to a new
version.  The existing BIOS did not simply degrade over time.

> Marcos

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