
On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 5:15 PM,  <caswellrie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello! Basically, my issue is summarized in the title.

"FreeDOS in VirtualBox: Bad or missing command interpreter and
keyboard doesn't work"

> I have installed a FreeDOS 1.1 install as a VirtualBox guest,

Which VirtualBox? 5.x (64-bit)? Atop what host OS? Windows 10 (64-bit)?

> but when I boot

Which boot option? Default? #1?

> I get the error “Bad or missing command interpreter” and then a prompt
> to enter the path to COMMAND.COM.  However, when this prompt is issued, the
> system stops accepting keyboard input.

Are you using a wireless USB keyboard?

> The keyboard works before this prompt.

Have you tried QEMU instead? Does it still (not) work there?


> Possibly related, but I had to try to install from the CD image twice,

You mean from this particular .iso?


> because the first time the installer froze after I selected my
> language/keyboard layout.

What language and keyboard are you trying to use? What happens when
you just use English / US instead? Does it still fail?

P.S. Anyways, there are some pre-installed VBox images available to
download, if you'd rather not "install" manually at all:


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