Hi again,

On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Jerome Shidel <jer...@shidel.net> wrote:
>> On May 15, 2016, at 4:19 PM, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On May 11, 2016, at 11:11 PM, perditi...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Kernel update is forthcoming.
>>> I still need to run some tests and make 386+ builds, but updated
>>> packages will be available at
>>> http://www.fdos.org/kernel/release/LATEST/fdpkg/ and release builds
>>> uploaded to SF.
>> Uh, it doesn't work. Any attempt to download the 2042 files from
>> SF.net fails with an error message.
> I had no problem downloading them from the provided link. Also, put them into 
> FDI - P19 that I released earlier today.

Okay, I just grabbed it from above (and not SF.net).

I notice that there is seemingly one bug / regression, otherwise all
my "tests" (MetaDOS) seem to work fine. (I assume Jeremy will notice
this and that I don't have to file a separate bug report or email him
privately. If not, I'll try to remember later.)

In an attempt to not load the RAM driver over and over again, I had a
naive "if exist %RAMDRIVE%:\nul goto end" inside the actual
RAMDRIVE.BAT file (which is called by autoexec).

That no longer works. Apparently it's even getting confused about
drives since "\tmp" already exists on boot drive. "if exist g:\tmp\nul
echo Yup!" succeeds (as does "q:" or "z:" or anything else, which is
way past my setting for LASTDRIVE). Same with "a:\extras" or
"a:\system" or "a:\network".

So "A:\> if exist z:\network\nul echo Yup!" says "Yup!" when it
shouldn't (because "a:\network" exists). But "if exist z:\netwrk\nul
echo Yup!" still fails (as it should).

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