Here is the directory listing of the FreeDOS environment created by Rufus, as 
well as the contents of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file it generates. There is no 

Brandon Taylor

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

----------------------Directory Listing----------------------
 Volume in drive H is FREEDOS
 Volume Serial Number is 848E-F2C8

 Directory of H:\

06/17/2016  06:25 PM    <DIR>          LOCALE
06/17/2016  06:25 PM                96 AUTOEXEC.BAT
06/17/2016  06:25 PM               206 autorun.inf
06/17/2016  06:25 PM            34,494 autorun.ico
               3 File(s)         34,796 bytes

 Directory of H:\LOCALE

06/17/2016  06:25 PM    <DIR>          .
06/17/2016  06:25 PM    <DIR>          ..
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             3,648 DISPLAY.EXE
06/17/2016  06:25 PM            11,446 KEYB.EXE
06/17/2016  06:25 PM            16,254 MODE.COM
06/17/2016  06:25 PM            40,360 KEYBOARD.SYS
06/17/2016  06:25 PM            29,750 KEYBRD2.SYS
06/17/2016  06:25 PM            32,178 KEYBRD3.SYS
06/17/2016  06:25 PM            13,105 KEYBRD4.SYS
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             6,464 ega.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             7,059 ega2.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             5,469 ega3.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             4,431 ega4.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             7,217 ega5.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             7,409 ega6.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             5,387 ega7.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             6,973 ega8.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             5,785 ega9.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             5,543 ega10.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             7,228 ega11.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             8,119 ega12.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             6,281 ega13.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             7,758 ega14.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             6,458 ega15.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             7,793 ega16.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             8,929 ega17.cpx
06/17/2016  06:25 PM             5,158 ega18.cpx
              25 File(s)        266,202 bytes

 Directory of H:\System Volume Information

06/17/2016  06:25 PM    <DIR>          .
06/17/2016  06:25 PM    <DIR>          ..
06/17/2016  06:25 PM                76 IndexerVolumeGuid
               1 File(s)             76 bytes

     Total Files Listed:
              29 File(s)        301,074 bytes
               5 Dir(s)   2,032,508,928 bytes free
@echo off
set PATH=.;\;\LOCALE
echo Using US-English keyboard with US-English codepage [437]
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