On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 4:17 PM, Dale E Sterner <sunbeam...@juno.com> wrote:
> With windows if your PC dies and you want to move
> to a dupicate and keep running - your out of luck.

Not really.  Been there, done that.

On my old, built-from components PC, I moved XP several times.  I made
changes to the underlying system and Windows wanted to reauthenticate.

The time before last, online authentication failed, and I wound up
speaking to a Microsoft rep. His concern was solely that I wasn't
trying to run the *same* copy of Windows on more than one machine at a
time.  "Nope.  Same physical machine.  I had a hardware failure and
had to get a new motherboard."  He got me authenticated.

The next time I had to do so, online authentication worked with no
issues - MS had made changes to the online authentication site, and
whatever made it fail before no longer bit.

> Windows ability to detect small changes is amazing -
> it just wants to stop.

Windows has an intimate relationship with the hardware.  It *is* an
OS.  If you *make* hardware changes, it will notice.  Whether it wants
to stop will depend on the hardware you changed.  Video cards, hard
drives, and RAM shouldn't cause a problem.  Motherboard changes will.
As far as Windows is concerned, that's a new machine.

> Win 7 is such a pain to deal with I think even DOS could beat it.

I've run Win7, and can't agree.  I was quite happy with Win7.  These
days, I run Win10, and I'm generally pleased with it.  (I run the Pro
version in both cases.)

It follows the "every *other* release of Windows is decent" pattern.
I avoided Vista like the plague, but was happy with Win7.  I avoided
8.1 but am generally pleased with Win10.

Of course, I have the hardware to properly support it, and know what I'm doing.

The current desktop is a replacement for a failed older one.  The
older one came with Win7, and I upgraded to Win10.  I'd done that on
three laptops with no issues.  The desktop was "new and different
Win10 BSODs - collect the whole set!", and I was.  The new machine is
rock solid and stable, but it's also faster and more powerful
hardware.  My conclusion was that the older machine could run Win7 but
wasn't really up to Win10, even though it would install without
issues.  (One annoying quirk was that it was a quad-core machine but
Win10 only saw two cores.  The Xeon CPU is used wasn't on the
"supported by Win10 list Intel maintains.  The i5-2400 in the new box
is, and Win10 sees and uses all four cores.)

Something like that happened in the Win Vista days.  MS wanted
everyone on Vista, but some of the hardware in the pipeline wasn't
really up to running it.  (Mostly, inadequate video.)  MS created a
new level of certification - Vista Capable - so hardware vendors could
put it on the box.  Jim Allchin, who was SVP in charge of Windows
development at the time, was livid.  He felt, correctly, that the
hardware would not provide a good experience for users and that MS
would get yet another black eye in the marketplace.  MS really should
have waited 6 months for a new generation of hardware that would
properly support Vista, but wanted to make XP go away.

> Every time I install new software it wants to be
> reauthenticated.

Win7?  That never happened here.  Are you sure it got properly
authenticated in the first place?

What new software triggers a request for reauthentication?

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