
On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 5:27 PM, Jerome Shidel <jer...@shidel.net> wrote:
> Anyhow, I recall seeing a thread earlier discussing something similar. At 
> least, I think it was similar.
> I was not very interested at the time and kinda only skimmed it. But, if I 
> remember what I half glimpsed,
> it involved something about having to add some older protocols to the server. 
>  But, I’m probably mis-remembering it.
> Sorry, I really can’t be much more help than that.

I'm a networking noob overall, but ....

Wasn't something like this discussed earlier this year, mainly by
Ulrich Hansen? A quick search of my email archives shows a few
messages from him about it.

So maybe wait for him to chime in. (Or email him privately? Or just
search the mailing list archives for it.)

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