Excerpt from Karen Lewellen and Rugxulo:

> > There was a specific lynx package written by dug Kaufman that I may request
> > be updated.

> I don't think he's still active, but I could be wrong.

Doug Kaufman's web page is still up, but his Lynx is pretty old:

 The latest DOS port of lynx is 2.8.5rel.1. You can download it here (2463576 
bytes, 18 April 2004). 

Last line of that web page says:

This page last updated 2 November 2006. 

URL is http://www.rahul.net/dkaufman/

I see http://www.nettamer.net/tamer.html  is still up: looks like no update 
since 1999. 

I find lynx useful, elinks may be better, but only for very limited use and not 
for general browsing, certainly not online banking.


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