> I assume these are known problems with the XDEL command in version
> 1.3 RC1, but this regards two situations:

not at all.

at least some of these problems seem to be introduced during port
Borland C --> Watcm C (in 2005; XDEL seems to be not so intensly used)

> 1) where you want to delete all files of the same extension that
> exist one folder level down from where you execute the command. It
> does not delete the files, at least in the situation where the
> directory name contains an extension (ex: WPTAIL.UNI directory in
> FreeDOS\AppInfo). To get around that problem I used the DIR /B /S
> *.* > delete.lst command to create a barebones list of files to be
> deleted using the '@' option. That did work.
what is the exact command that fails?

> 2) the next thing I tried to do is delete all the empty directories
> with the .UNI extension using the command XDEL *.UNI /D. That does
> not work as upon execution, the command always truncates the last
> letter of the extension. So when it gets to deleting WPTAIL.UNI, it
> reports that it cannot delete WPTAIL.UN (which does not exist). I
> renamed directory to WPTAIL.UN thinking that will work but it
> results in a report it cannot delete WPTAIL.U, and when you rename
> by removing the extension entirely, it says it cannot remove the
> directory name (which is finally correctly represented).

caused by
     file[strlen(file)-1]=0;            // remove final '\\'

> Related to the first issue with XDEL is that when trying to delete
> all instances of a filename in subfolders (using a wildcard), the
> prompt does not come up until AFTER I hit enter or another key. In
> other words, the action I take precedes the prompt and the command
> terminates without the answer to the prompt being received by the program.

it looks like Watcom buffers stdout, and Borland doesn't


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