On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 7:25 PM Jerome Shidel <jer...@shidel.net> wrote:

> The errors you encountered are being encounter by FDINST. Although
> FDIMPLES uses little RAM and gives the majority to FDINST, it could be
> insufficient for extremely large packages like Perl. There are only a
> couple such massive packages included in FreeDOS 1.2. For those, you can
> attempt to manually install them by locating the package and using FDINST
> or FDNPKG from the command line. If it is free memory related, it may be
> just enough to get a package installed. If the problem still persists, you
> may be still short on RAM or something else may be going on.

Thanks for the detailed explanation!  Running FDINST manually worked fine.

One final question - after doing this:


I found that the C:\DEVEL\OW\OWSETENV.BAT had lines like this:

    SET INCLUDE=d:\mateusz\devel\ow19\BINW;%INCLUDE%

All of the SET lines referenced d:\mateusz\devel\ow19.  Of course, that
path doesn't exist so the file sets variables that don't work.

Shouldn't they reference c:\devel\ow, or am I misinterpreting something?

Sorry for the newbie Qs :-)

andrew fabbro
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