am Montag, 1. Juni 2020 um 23:28 schrieben Sie:

> Hi,

> On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 11:26 PM dmccunney
> <> wrote:
>> On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 10:35 PM Rugxulo <> wrote:
>> > So no, I haven't tried rebuilding this (yet?), and I'm no *nix fiend,
>> > but I do think AWK is a cool tool, maybe cooler than GW-BASIC (don't
>> > kill me!).
>> AWK is a cool tool.  But it's not a full programming language for
>> building stand alone apps.  GWBASIC is.

> I don't think this particular BASIC is a compiler, only an
> interpreter. (The very first BASIC was a compiler.)

> * (fifty years of BASIC)

> But there actually are compilers for AWK out there, even REXX! But
> most implementations don't do that. (Why bother? Interpreted is often
> fast enough.)

> (untested by me, but just FYI)
> *

>> AWK (the initials of Alfred Aho, Thomas Weinberger, and Brian
>> Kernighan, the authors)  was a tool intended for querying and
>> modifying the contents of text files.

> *

> I'm actually a bigger fan of Sed, but that's much more limited
> (intentionally?). Also, AWK vaguely reminds me of REXX in
> functionality (although that, too, I only lightly dabbled in).
> Obviously, REXX was more known on IBM mainframes and OS/2.

> In recent years, BWK wrote a book on Go. That language has come a long
> way and done a lot. A lot of people from Plan 9 still work on that.
> Oh, one guy did write a compatible implementation of AWK in Go!

> *
> *

>> It was initially written to perform "one liners", where you invoked awk
>> on a command line with the commands to execute and the data to examine.

> I don't think UNIX originally came with a C compiler (except maybe
> add-on?), so all you had was Sh and AWK.

>> I attended a talk given by Weinberger  decades ago where he described his 
>> shock on first
>> seeing a multi-line awk script.

> Yeah, here's a good interview with Alfred V. Aho.

> *

>> Awk is still useful on *nix - various things like build recipes may
>> use it in scripts - but for most purposes, perl has replaced it.  (I
>> consider that a pity.

> I respect Larry Wall and Perl but never learned it. Honestly, I
> dislike the various versions and non-standard incompatibilities. It's
> a bit too brittle to rely upon (isn't everything? even "standards"
> have many holes, buggy implementations; so, that's not really a Perl
> problem, per se, just "life").

>> Awk is smaller and faster, and perl may be overkill for a lot of what you 
>> might need to do.

> Sed is much lighter than AWK, so yes, even AWK can be overkill. Maybe
> even Sed is overkill for some things. (Sed came from Ed, so I guess
> Edlin would be loosely comparable in DOS circles.)

>> Former Busybox maintainer Rob Landley griped elsewhere about sending patches 
>> to
>> remove the dependency on Perl from Linux kernel builds, since awk did
>> all that was needed, only to find it reappear again.)

> I once told you that he should just use (BSD-licensed) AWK from old
> Minix 2.x for ToyBox. Not sure if that's truly practical advice,
> though.

> Yes, Perl is overkill. You know, I rebuilt old NASM 0.98.39 [2005]
> recently for 8086. (Pre-existing 16-bit DOS binaries were 186 only,
> ugh, heheh.) Actually, I rebuilt it several times and (sometimes) used
> Sed. Regenerating the instruction source files (for instance, to fit
> into Large memory model with Turbo C++ 1.01) required omitting some
> unnecessary things (e.g. MMX, SSE ... not commonly used in DOS). In
> ancient NASM 0.97, there was a quick kludge to use QBASIC to
> regenerate those source files, but it was later dropped (broken?
> unmaintained?). 0.98.39 used Perl, which works but is bloated (and our
> only DOS build still is DJGPP's old 5.8.8 from 2007). So I finagled it
> a bit just to use Sed (only), which is much smaller and simpler (thus,
> no Perl required). Oh, I also used AWK behind the scenes a bit to
> help. (I never properly learned Perl but do have a book on it.)

> Yeah, it's just a mess. Big projects are harder to maintain, and
> unfortunately DOS is not "top tier" for most actively-developed
> projects. Just to show how random it all is, we have three AWKs: MAWK
> (DOS+OS/2 dual bound family .EXE) from 1996, BWK AWK from 2010 (OW
> build), and GAWK (DJGPP) from 2019. This also is why our Python
> (DJGPP) is from 2008 (2.4.2 or whatever). Similarly, Regina REXX
> (3.9.1) doesn't directly compile with DJGPP anymore, and I was too
> lazy to investigate further (stuck at 3.7). Ruby 1.8.4 had DJGPP
> binaries, but after 1.8.7, it dropped source support for a lot of OSes
> (although there was later an ISO standard for that). Even the Lua
> (DJGPP) build is still stuck at 5.2.2 (2013). Oh, one guy did
> apparently make LoveDOS (Lua, DJGPP) in 2017 for simple 2D games.

> It's not that dire. Anybody interested could clean up and fix some of
> these. I might even do it myself, but it's not pressing. There's
> always more to do.

> Sorry for the ramble, it's just a minefield of tools out there. Still fun!

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