On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 09:16:54PM -0500, Jon Brase wrote:

> Recall that FreeDOS isn't just about having a FOSS alternative to MS-DOS
> for modern machines (where you're really better off just using Linux and
> DOSBox), or for your early-90s 486 retrogaming machine, it's also meant
> to be an alternative to MS-DOS for the very oldest PC hardware, all the
> way back to the original IBM 5150. The core software might therefore be
> expected to work in very little RAM. As I recall, the minimum configuration
> for the 5150 had only 16k of RAM.

Do you mean FreeDOS should be "alternative to PC-DOS V1.0"? And it should be
kept in such (supposed) miserable state?

I still have somewhere diskette with PC-DOS V2 - it wasn't interesting
experience, compared to - say - DOS V3.34.

No, I don't think FreeDOS should be "alternative to MS-DOS for the very
oldest PC hardware, all the way back to the original IBM 5150". If it can
be run on old XT with 256 KB RAM - then IMHO "it's compatible enough"

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