Dear All

I have an unusual situation.  My Dell laptop has Linux on it, I want to
use VirtuaBox (a tool I have used many times before on other laptops and
PCs) but the BIOS does not support Virtualisation.  An upgrade to the
BIOS might so I want to upgrade the BIOS.  Dell supply the BIOS upgrade
in the form of an .EXE file.  If I had Windows on the laptop I could
just execute the file and follow instructions, says Dell.

The laptop does not have a floppy drive.  It has two USB ports and an
optical drive.  Using my PC I am intending to do the following:
1) Download one of the ISO files
2) Make a CD bootable
3) Write my BIOS upgrade file to the memory stick
Then insert the CD into the laptop and
a) boot the laptop into DOS
b) Insert the memory stick and navigate to the memory stick (by trying
all the drive letters possible: A:, B: C: D: etc)
c) Execute the BIOS upgrade file
d) Pray

I know how to use a burning programme to burn an ISO onto a disc and so
make the disc bootable

So, can it be done with one of those ISO files you have on your website,
and if so, which one?

Thanks and wait to hear

Stephanos, London, UK

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