Hi all, first post here.

I did some different searches on this forum archives but all gave me
thousands of results. Some of them from more than a decade ago. So forgive
me for being still another guy asking about for a bootable FreeDOS CD for
BIOS flashing.

I'm hoping some of you could give a pointer to a thread, blog, website,
etc, where this has been done and where it's explained clearly.

What I would like is to compile and burn a bootable CD with the flash
utility of my election and the BIOS update file. Well, more than one flash
utility/ BIOS update probably. Then I could put that CD on storage for next
time I need to fiddle with still another old computer BIOS.

It would be nice to have a localized keyboard, too.

Floppies aren't an option, really, even if I still have a couple of floppy
drives lying around. I have found that floppies aren't a good long-time
storage medium, and now they are ridiculously priced. USB booting isn't an
option either; I have found many times that those old systems doesn't boot
from USB. Same for PXE LAN booting. So CD booting seem the better way to go
to me.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated
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