Hi all,  😁

I have _*FreeDOS 1.2*_ running in a virtual machine (KVM/qemu). My host is Linux/Lubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, 64 bit.

There´s one "mystery" regarding FreeDOS though.

Here´s an example to demonstrate the "problem":

I have a text-file, say "try.txt".

What does work are the commands

 "type try.txt" and also "more try.txt".

When searching for a certain word within the text (example: find "search-word" try.txt) it works as well. The instances of lines
containing the search-word are displayed.

However: At the end I get the following message:

*"Fehler beim Lesen von Laufwerk A: im DOS-Bereich: Allgemeiner Fehler**
**(A)bbrechen, (I)gnorieren, (W)iederholen, (F)ehler?"*

The output is in German, so the English equivalent should be something like:

*"Error reading from drive A: DOS area: general error**
**(A)bort, (I)gnore, (R)etry, (F)ail?"*

Trying to cd into A:\ yields the same message. My guess is drive A:\ doesn´t exist in my VM at all.
My working directory is C:\ .

So my questions are:

Am I right in assuming that drive A:\ is non-existent ...
... and why is it that the find-command produces the error message but not the type and more commands ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.

Many greetings
Rosika 😁
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