On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 4:43 PM Jon Brase <jon.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >*I'll note that I don't see the same pre-installed OS options when
> > I click on the "HP Zbook Fury 17.8 G8" in the article. I only see
> > "Windows 11 Pro," "Windows 10 Pro," "Windows 11 Home," and "Ubuntu
> > Linux 20.04." So either HP has changed it, or the "FreeDOS" option
> > is not available in the US (the article's screenshots show purchase
> > prices in Euro).
> I've heard of modern systems shipping with FreeDOS before:
> the acquaintance that told me this said that it was basically a way of
> selling a PC without an operating system while still selling something
> that would boot (so that the technophobes don't come back complaining
> that you've sold them a brick), though I'd think Ubuntu would do that
> job just as well, in terms of licensing cost.

I won't comment on the geopolitics you mentioned, but I've also heard
that PC manufacturers bundle FreeDOS on systems for this reason. I
understand that it had something to do with Windows OEM license
agreements with Microsoft, that Ballmer would cut vendors a better
deal if they didn't offer "no OS" systems, and preferred that vendors
didn't pre-install Linux either. And with FreeDOS, support was easier
(customers might call for help with Linux, where they probably won't
with FreeDOS).


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