
I've made a preview release of the upcoming VMSMOUNT 0.6 version, so that
anyone who wants to can try it and report any feedback. I'm not adding more
features to this release, I'll just fix any bugs that come out and make it

There are a lot of changes in this version, but the most relevant for end
users are:

* It is now possible to add, remove or modify shared folders while the VM
is running
* if the new VMCHCPD.SYS device driver is installed, code page changes
using the CHCP command will load the corresponding unicode conversion table

Other changes:

* Bug fix: Set correct file size in WriteFile()
* Implement CloseAll (Int 2F/AX=111Dh)
* Port to Open Watcom v2 and remove dependencies with GNU make and nasm.
Now it builds with just the OW tool chain
* Add debug support. If compiled in, it is possible to emit messages to the
vmware log file.
* Build unicode transcode tables from source (needs GCC for now)
* Lots of code cleanups

You can get the sources, binaries and a FreeDOS package from the new site
at GitHub:


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