Hello! It's me again. Over 6 years ago, I asked whether it was possible to get 
"Lure of the Temptress" running in FreeDOS (and yes, once again, I've played it 
in DOSBox). I eventually agreed to concede that it wasn't. (The full thread can 
be referenced at 
 in case anyone's interested.)


At the time, I was not aware of a nifty little program called "PCem," which is 
capable of emulating a plethora of different old PCs via LLE (low-level 

I'm running a fork of PCem called "86Box," and have set up a FreeDOS 1.3 
environment on a virtual machine. I copied the "Lure of the Temptress" files to 
the emulated HDD image, and tried to run LURE.EXE -- only to be confronted with 
a message asking for "Disk B." Unfortunately, the apparent disk image files are 
in .VGA format, not in any format that 86Box can recognize and mount to an 
emulated floppy drive.

So my question is: Does anyone here have a version of "Lure" on disk images 
that I can mount in 86Box, or does anyone know where such a version exists on 
the Internet?

Brandon Taylor
Freedos-user mailing list

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