Thomas Cornelius Desi wrote:
> Apropos authoring on DOS Software: As I was looking for
> someting nifty that would enhance my writing workflow on
> the computer, I decided for VDE by Eric Meyer writer.
> ( have a look here: )
> It actually does sort-of-UTF8 encoding which in my case
> (German Umlaute äöü ß) is important.  And yes: why has
> it become so cumbersome to switch of internet-connections?!

It's a different sort of thing, but a colleague shared his editor's
advice to write in a way that makes it difficult to go back and edit
what you've done, while you're writing it. The idea is that you don't
spend time "editing as you go" - constantly spinning your wheels,
editing what you just wrote when you should be focusing on writing new
stuff - and instead do all your editing and revisions after you've
finished a full draft of something (article, chapter, etc).

I tried his advice, and I have been (unironically) writing articles
using Edlin or ed(1) at home. (That's why I had the "comma" question
last week.) I write my content in plain text using Markdown, which
makes it easy to do simple formatting like section headings, bold, and
italics. When I'm done with my draft, I run the Markdown command to
convert to HTML, open it in a browser and copy/paste into a word
processor - where I'll finish editing before I submit. It works well
for what I do. And it's the ultimate in "distraction free" writing.

> and let’s mention »Captain Blackbeard« editor. Also great!

That's an editor I hadn't heard of (there were a million text editors
in the DOS era) so I looked it up:

Very interesting programmer's editor.

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