On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 5:02 PM, BobH <ne1oqz...@sneakemail.com> wrote:
> PS:
> On 2013-06-21 at 10:26 Steve White stevan.white-at-gmail.com |OpenType
> stuff| wrote:
> our policy is that glyphs in a Unicode font
> must be referred to *only* by their Unicode encoding
> What about unencoded glyphs (such as ligatures or conjuncts or contextual
> variants) that are targeted by OpenType lookups?  There is no way to refer
> to these by their "Unicode encoding".
> Bob

A ligature or conjunct composed of uniXXXX and uniYYYY should be
called uniXXXXYYYY, if there are AGLFN names then it should be
name1_name2 for name1 and name2. For contextual variants its
This is all explained in

Denis Moyogo Jacquerye
African Network for Localisation http://www.africanlocalisation.net/
Nkótá ya Kongó míbalé --- http://info-langues-congo.1sd.org/
DejaVu fonts --- http://www.dejavu-fonts.org/

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