Rob Crittenden wrote:
Pavel Zuna wrote:
Rob Crittenden wrote:
Pavel Zuna wrote:
Rob Crittenden wrote:
The user plugin is crapping out on line 317 of because attr is coming back None. The attribute it is looking for is member.

I think the fix involves setting member_attributes = ['member'] to the user plugin.

I wonder if we need to make the ldap2 plugin a bit more robust too so it can handle it better if the schema lookup returns None.

This should fix the issue.

Yes, this will fix it (I did a similar fix to work around it) but what does it mean if there is no attribute found? Is that possible?

Should we catch it and return a more specific error message instead?


If it doesn't find the attribute, PROBABLY nothing will happen...

Fortunately, we don't have to worry about it anymore. I played with python-ldap a bit today and it seems to have the convert_attr_synonyms functionality built-in. :)

Here's a replacement patch.


nack. I don't see where python-ldap is replacing it. We weren't seeing it done before were we?
That's because we were doing it wrong.

We were requesting all attributes ('*') + ACIs ('aci'). After this patch we explicitly request all attributes in the new entry (i.e. all attributes that are going to be updated) and python-ldap will always return them named as they were requested. In other words: If we request localityName as l, python-ldap will return it as l, if we request it as localityName, python-ldap will return it as localityName.

Also, we need to request the 'aci' attribute for the aci plugin to work.
And we do so, because after this patch, we're requesting all attributes 



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