Jason Gerard DeRose wrote:
I lied one, more.

Rob, I see you changed how the log level on the root logger is set in
API.bootstrap()... unfortunately, under the server and CLI, the result
is that the root logger always stays at its default level of
logging.WARNING, so none of our info() nor debug() messages are going
into the server log nor out to stderr (even with --debug).

My solution is to unconditionally set the root logger to logging.DEBUG,
the most verbose we use, and then configure the levels on individual
handlers as appropriate (which we already do).

Rob, I know you make this change because of problems with logging from
the installer, so can you see if still works the way you want it to with
this patch?  By the way, are you setting up your own logging handler in
the installer, or using the ones configured in API.bootstrap()?

Anyway, we really shouldn't release our alpha with broken logging.  Not
nice to our brave and helpful testers.  ;)

Jason, I think we can instead test for len(log.handlers) == 0 to determine if we have already configured a file handler for it. Can you confirm this? So if there are no handlers configured we set the log level, otherwise we skip it.


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