On 09/14/2010 12:49 PM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
----- "Adam Young"<ayo...@redhat.com>  wrote:

user whoami
      Added a whoami option to the user, allows the user to query their
own information based on their Kerberos principal

This will be used to return the users principal and rolegroups.

Test with :

curl   -H "Content-Type:application/json"          -H
"Accept:applicaton/json" -H "Accept-Language:es"        --negotiate -u

:          --cacert /etc/ipa/ca.crt           -d
'{"method:"user_find","params":[[],{ "all":true,"whoami":"True" }
],"id":0}'          -X POST

as well as
ipa user-find --whoami --all
ACK, but as we discussed there's an existing bug with the whoami operation
which causes it to fetch the wrong principal:

[r...@dev scripts]# kdestroy
[r...@dev scripts]# klist
klist: No credentials cache found (ticket cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0)
[r...@dev scripts]# kinit edewata
Password for edew...@dev.example.com:
[r...@dev scripts]# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: edew...@dev.example.com

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
09/14/10 14:42:02  09/15/10 14:41:59  krbtgt/dev.example....@dev.example.com
[r...@dev scripts]# ipa user-find --whoami
1 user matched
   User login: admin
   Last name: Administrator
   Home directory: /home/admin
   Login shell: /bin/bash
   Groups: admins
   Rolegroups: replicaadmin
   Taskgroups: managereplica, deletereplica
Number of entries returned 1
[r...@dev scripts]# ipa user-find --whoami
1 user matched
   User login: edewata
   First name: Endi
   Last name: Dewata
   Home directory: /home/edewata
   Login shell: /bin/sh
   Groups: ipausers
Number of entries returned 1

Endi S. Dewata
pushed to master

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