On 10/25/2010 08:23 AM, Ben Dubrovsky wrote:

I'm sympathetic to the argument that Nielsen makes about reset.

One thing to consider, however, is that he's arguing from a point of view that differentiates 
applications from web pages -- that when people are using the web, they are in a different kind of 
environment from applications, and therefore, "back" is equivalent to "reset".  
His argument relies on the idea that most people will easily and definitively understand the 
affordances of the web, vs those of an application.

I'm not so sure I agree with that.  I think we're blurring the line between web site and 
application, and our users will be really focused on their work -- they may be 
conditioned to think "application" for LDAP type management, even though the 
delivery is in a browser.

That said -- I'm OK removing the "reset" button as a device, but would still like to have 
the functionality to support the case where a user says, "Ah - darn.  I was looking at the 
wrong piece of paper, and I have to start over again quickly."

Yeah. And considering that Back for this would take you to search (most likely) but not to a blank form, probably doesn't equate. I'm going to suggest that we spread the buttons out a bit, and get the rest out of the "good" area of the screen so that it doens't get hit by accident.

I've bee nreading a bit through the history of Nielsen's blog. He has some interesting points. One that I think is very interesting is his idea about mege menus:


THere seems to be a pretty good implementation for JQuery, so if we decided to go that way, it wouldn't be that bad. I think that they would make our Nav a little bit cleaner, as we kindof make things tricky with the multi level tabs.

Before we made any changes like that, though, I would like to have some usability testing done. Is there any way we could co-opt a few people for, say, 1/2 an hour and run them through doing the bascis, and get feedback on how easy/hard it is to use our UI? Even if it has been done before, it hasn't been done with the working product, and I think it would be even more valuable if those of us on the UI implementation team could witness it, even if only virtually.

Just some ideas for post 2.0

**My suggestion for that is to expand on Adam's line-level undo, and put a link on the 
screen somewhere that allows the user to "undo all" or something like that.**

I do think we need a "Cancel" button still, though.  There is something far more definitive in a 
user clicking "Cancel" than hitting "Back".

On Oct 24, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:

Adam Young wrote:

Since we have line level undo (which he advocates) perhaps the reset
button is not worth while.  Since the user can reload the page at
will, there is a built in reset button already, and there slight risk
of hitting the wrong button may in fact outweigh the value of putting
the feature in place.

Freeipa-devel mailing list

Good point might be worth reevaluating.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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