I'm tripping over the solution to this ticket:

I don't understand the statement:
"The key for a direct map is /- so only one can be in auto.master" auto.master is the map. Do you mean that there cannot be more than one direct map in a location?

The key for a direct map should be the fully qualified path name down to the mount point. If it is a direct map, the mount point is specified from /-, but the key will be unique:

For example

/home/ayoung exporter:/altlocation/ayoung
/home/* exporter:/home/&

That would allow a different location for my home directory (ayoung) than everyone else.

I've reverted the patch in my tree and the original behavior seems sensible. What was the impetus for pushing this patch through, and can we cleanly revert it? Rob stated that that there will be a data porting issue due to the values we put in to Dir Srv for the dn.

A related issue that may be moot: I tested an indirect map, and can't see where the key gets stored. I haven't tried it without the reverted patch, so it may be something that got fixed later.

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