On Tue, 2011-11-15 at 14:41 -0500, John Dennis wrote:
> --
> John Dennis <jden...@redhat.com>
> Looking to carve out IT costs?
> www.redhat.com/carveoutcosts/

Hi John,

thanks for your patch, that was a fair amount of work there :-) I tested
them both and have few comments:

1) Patch 53 will need rebasing

2) Logging for install tools (ipa-server-install, ...) is now broken.
DEBUG level messages should get to /var/log/ipaserver-install.log even
when the installer is run without --debug. My
ipaserver-install.log/ipaserver-uninstall.log was silent when i run just
`ipa-server-install' without --debug flag

3) Patch 53 touches most of our Python sources as it changes all
logging.* calls to log_mgr.root_logger.* calls. I think this may cause
problems (comment 1 is a good example). For example we may not be able
to cherry-pick most of new patches from master branch to ipa-2-1 branch
or other branches that do not use log_mgr.

Additionally, typing "log_mgr.root_logger.*" whenever I want to log
anything seems a bit awkward to me. These issues are avoidable, however.
Since all our Python code use just the root_logger, can we just simply
export root logger in log_manager.py namespace and that import it as
"logging" in other modules? Then we would save *a lot* of changes across
all our code. Something like this:

 log_mgr = IPALogManager()
+root_logger = log_mgr.root_logger

+from ipapython.log_manager import root_logger as logginng

# now, all logging will work as usual:
logging.error('Some files have not been restored, see 


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