On 06/24/2013 09:35 AM, Petr Spacek wrote:
What would happen if require_root = False, UID = 1234 but the plugin requires root access? (I.e. there is an error in the require_root value.)

The calling of particular external command that requires root access for its execution will fail.

I don't like this boolean, because plugin author has to test the plugin and maintain the boolean after each change in the plugin. From my (naive) point of view it is error prone and unnecessary.

Why? From my point of view, it simplifies the work for the plugin author, since he can set the boolean if he knows that plugin will need root access to require information needed.

Without it:
- If he wanted to stay user-friendly he would have to implement the check for effective UID in every plugin. - If he did not, he would be having his command fail with (often) cryptic errors.

Proper error handling seems like 'the right way'™ to me.

What kind of proper error handling? The errors are now properly handled via AdminTool's framework.


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